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Lady Gaga has finally addressed the long-standing rumors about her gender. These rumors, which suggested that she was secretly a man, have been a topic of speculation since the early days of her career. In an interview on the Netflix series "What's Next? The Future With Bill Gates," Gaga explained why she chose not to respond to these rumors for so long.
"When I was in my early 20s, there was a rumor that I was a man," Gaga revealed. "I traveled for tours and promoting my records, and almost every interview I sat in, there was this imagery on the internet that had been doctored. They would ask, 'There are rumors that you're a man. What do you have to say about that?'" 
Her decision was driven by a desire to avoid feeling like a victim and to protect others who might be affected by similar rumors. "The reason why I didn't answer the question is because I didn't feel like a victim with that lie, and I thought: What about a kid who is being accused of that who would think that a public figure like me would feel shame?" she explained.
"I've been in situations where fixing a rumor was not in the best interest of the well-being of other people. In that case, I tried to be thought-provoking and disruptive in another way. I tried to use the misinformation to create another disruptive point," she said.
"I've been used to lies being printed about me since I was 20 years old. I'm a performer. I think it's kind of funny," Gaga remarked. This attitude was evident in a 2011 interview with Anderson Cooper on CNN, where she famously shut down a question about the rumors, saying, "Why the hell am I going to waste my time and give a press release about whether or not I have a penis? My fans don't care and neither do I." 

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