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The paranormal encounter of Julianne Hough receives a 10. The host of Dancing With the Stars recently spoke about a profound psychic experience she had a few years ago during a meditation conference. She claimed to have had "consistent" supernatural abilities from 2017 to 2019.

In an episode of The Jamie Kern Lima Show airing on September 23, Julianne said, "There was this woman who I had only met one other time, and she was maybe three or four rows in front of me." "I started smelling mold during a sensory experience I was having [during meditation], and I had this overwhelming feeling that I was in Europe." I thought I was between three and five years old because my hair felt wet.

The 36-year-old admitted that she realized her feelings were coming from the viewpoint of someone else rather than from her own.

"I experienced an immense sense of desertion from my father, and I thought, 'This doesn't feel like mine,'" Julianne went on. "And then, without warning, I got to my feet, and my hands literally went behind me as I thought, 'Whoa, I feel so loved by my dad.'"

The Footloose actress was astounded when she saw the woman who had been seated in the rows in front of her again after the vision ended.

Julianne remarked, "I just knew that it was this woman when I returned to the room." "I approached her and asked, 'Would you mind telling me about your experience right then?'" "It was really profound," she remarks. I was living in Copenhagen with my parents when I was five years old, and I remembered that my mom was in the hospital giving birth to my younger brother. My dad was blow drying my hair because it was cold outside, and I just remember that we were running to the hospital. He didn't want me to catch a cold. When I got to the hospital, he just left me in the waiting room, and I remember waiting there forever.’”

The woman allegedly said to Julianne, "I've always felt my whole life that I've been abandoned because I felt like my parents forgot about me at that moment, and that was the end of me ever feeling like I was a priority to my dad, especially." My brother was born with autism.

Then Julianne gave the explanation for the comment that caused her to say, "What the eff?" This is absurd.

"She says, 'Suddenly, I got up and my heart opened,'" Julianne said. "My hands went behind me, and my father's love was so evident."

The dancer continued by describing instances in which she experienced "massive amounts of energy" in her hands and body while executing mudras, which are hand positions used in yoga and meditation.

Julianne said, "I was in a really energetic state recently, and I started doing mudras out of nowhere." "Postures I have never read about or associated with."

The singer also claims that each of these encounters has contributed to her healing process.

"There's undoubtedly another opening,because I think my heart opened,” Julianne confessed. “Back in ApApril, was like, ‘You need to trust agagain,nd you need to open your heart again.’”

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