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Matt Bomer claims he lost the opportunity to play Superman in the early 2000s because of his sexuality. He revealed on Hollywood Reporter’s “Awards Chatter” podcast that he was heavily considered for the role in J.J. Abrams' "Superman: Flyby." Bomer described the audition process, saying, "I went in on a cattle call for Superman, and then it turned into a four-month audition experience," including multiple chemistry reads and screen tests.

At the time, Bomer was on the CBS soap opera “Guiding Light.” He was written off the show, as his producers believed he had a strong chance of being cast as Clark Kent. "It looked like I was the director's choice for the role. I signed a three-picture deal at Warner Bros,” Bomer said.

However, despite these promising signs, Bomer did not land the role. He believes his sexuality was a significant factor in this decision. “That was a time in the industry when something like that could still really be weaponized against you. How, and why, and who, I don’t know, but yeah, that’s my understanding,” he explained. Jackie Collins corroborated this in a 2012 interview with Gaydar Radio, stating, “Someone didn’t like him and told [the producers] he was gay. They said, ‘No, no, we can’t cast you.’”

Reflecting on his experience, Bomer noted that coming out as gay in 2012 had its costs. "I came out at a time when it was very risky to do so. I had a studio film that was about to premiere and a television series coming out," he told Attitude magazine. “But to me it was more important to be my most authentic self, both for my family and for myself.”

Bomer’s career has flourished despite this setback. He has starred in numerous acclaimed projects, such as "Magic Mike," "The Normal Heart," and "Fellow Travelers," earning a Golden Globe and an Emmy nomination. He remains committed to authenticity, believing that if his openness helps even one person, it is worthwhile. "But to say that didn’t cost me certain things in my career would be a lie. It did,” Bomer acknowledged.

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