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Donald Sutherland, the revered Canadian actor whose career spanned over six decades and included iconic roles in films like "MASH," "Klute," and "The Hunger Games" series, passed away on Thursday, June 20, 2024, in Miami after a prolonged illness. He was 88 years old.
Sutherland's passing was confirmed by CAA, his talent agency. The actor leaves behind a legacy of approximately 200 film and television credits, showcasing his versatility and enduring presence in Hollywood.
Born on July 17, 1935, in Saint John, New Brunswick, Sutherland's breakthrough came with Robert Aldrich's 1967 war drama "The Dirty Dozen." He went on to star in numerous critically acclaimed films, including Robert Altman's "MASH" (1970) and Alan J. Pakula's "Klute" (1971), opposite Jane Fonda.
Throughout his career, Sutherland demonstrated remarkable range, from his comedic turn in "Animal House" (1978) to dramatic roles in "Ordinary People" (1980) and "JFK" (1991). In recent years, he gained renewed fame as the villainous President Snow in "The Hunger Games" franchise.
"It's hard to think of another actor who's been as prolific and made films as diverse," his son, actor Kiefer Sutherland, told The Guardian in 2022, highlighting his father's influence on his own career.
Despite never receiving a competitive Oscar nomination, Sutherland was honored with an Honorary Academy Award in 2017 for his lifetime of "indelible characters, rendered with unwavering truthfulness." He also won an Emmy and a Golden Globe for his performance in the 1995 HBO film "Citizen X."
Sutherland is survived by his wife of over 45 years, Francine Racette, and his children Kiefer, Roeg, Rossif, Angus, and Rachel. His family plans to hold a private celebration of his life.
As news of his passing spread, tributes poured in from across the entertainment industry, with many noting Sutherland's immense contribution to cinema and his lasting impact on audiences worldwide. His loss marks the end of an era in Hollywood, leaving behind a rich legacy that will continue to inspire future generations of actors and filmmakers.

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