Photo Credit: X/Ricky Gervais

Ricky Gervais recently targeted Justin Timberlake following the singer's arrest for allegedly driving under the influence. Timberlake, the renowned artist behind hits like "Cry Me a River" and a former member of the boy band NSYNC, was reportedly pulled over in the Hamptons on June 18 for swerving on the road. He claimed he had only consumed “one martini” but refused both a breathalyzer and a blood-alcohol-content test, as detailed in a complaint obtained by the New York Post.

Shortly after the incident, Gervais took to social media, tagging Timberlake’s X handle and quipping, “Did you get the bottle of Dutch Barn Vodka I sent you the other day?” This comment split opinions among fans, with some applauding Gervais for his humor, calling it "the best post" of the day, while others felt it was "too soon" for jokes.

Timberlake, who has sold over 54 million albums and won ten Grammy Awards, was arrested in Sag Harbor, where his mugshot, showing his glassy-eyed state, was made public. The arresting officer reportedly did not recognize Timberlake, a revelation that added another layer of embarrassment to the situation. The singer is scheduled to perform in Chicago on June 21 and 22, but it remains uncertain if these shows will proceed as planned.

This arrest comes at a tumultuous time for Timberlake. His reputation was already under scrutiny following the release of Britney Spears’s memoir, which alleged infidelities during their relationship. Additionally, Timberlake faced public backlash in 2019 after being photographed holding hands with his Palmer co-star, Alisha Wainwright. He later apologized, stating, “I drank way too much that night and I regret my behavior. I should have known better.”

Timberlake’s next court date is set for July 26, and his team has yet to comment on the incident. As the story unfolds, fans and critics alike are watching closely to see how this latest controversy will impact his career and personal life.

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