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Miley Cyrus has opened up about her complex relationship with her parents, Tish and Billy Ray Cyrus, during an interview with David Letterman on his Netflix series, "My Next Guest Needs No Introduction." The Grammy-winning artist shared insights into the influences her parents had on her life and career.

Miley expressed deep admiration for her mother, Tish Cyrus, calling her "my hero." She emphasized the role her mother played in raising her, contrasting it with her father's contribution. "My father, I'm grateful for being able to watch him ahead of me. He's almost given me this map. There's a map of what to do and what not to do. And he's guided me on both," she explained.

“He also has a relationship and a foot on the ground to nature and to the real. And he always did, even when he was super famous. I also inherited the narcissism from my father," Miley admitted.

"Without my dad, I know,  I mean, not just literally I wouldn't be sitting in this chair, I wouldn't exist, but I would not, who I am as a person, it wouldn't exist. Because my dad, as a creative and as an artist in the way that his brain works, has always made me feel safer in my own mind because we're very similar in our ideas," she continued.

"So I think a lot of his perspective on reality and on life, I've inherited from him, more so than the way that I was raised , which really, my mom raised me. Honestly, my mom is my hero," Miley said.

Miley touched on the different upbringings of her parents and how it shaped their parenting styles. "My mom was adopted and grew up in a loving home, while my dad had a really rough childhood," she noted. "I had food, I had love, I grew up in a beautiful big house, and my dad didn't have that. So I have a lot of empathy and compassion for his childhood."

Miley reflected on the enduring love and effort her parents provided saying, “What is so beautiful is that my parents served our children and sacrificed so much for us. Anything we dreamed of, they made possible.”

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