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Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck have been making headlines recently, not for their professional achievements but for the increasing speculation about their personal lives. The couple, who rekindled their romance and married after years apart, has been navigating a tumultuous period marked by public appearances and private disagreements.

Lopez and Affleck have been seen together more frequently in an effort to dispel divorce rumors. However, this increased visibility has not come without its complications. A notable incident occurred at Violet Affleck's high school graduation party in late May. According to Radar Online, Lopez attended the event primarily to mend her relationship with Affleck, but her presence was viewed skeptically by him. Insiders suggest that Lopez's attendance was more about self-interest and maintaining a positive public image. “It's pretty clear she's just trying to save face by putting the blame on her personal life," a source noted. Affleck reportedly saw through her intentions and asked her to leave after only an hour, furious that she used the occasion for her own motives.

The couple's strained relationship was further highlighted at their son Samuel's elementary school graduation. Both Affleck and Lopez attended the ceremony but arrived separately, with Lopez bringing her twins, Max and Emme, to support their stepbrother. Affleck was accompanied by his mother, Chris Anne Boldt. Despite being in close proximity, the couple maintained a noticeable distance from each other, fueling speculation about their relationship status.

Their behavior at the graduation was unusual, given their history of public displays of affection. Over the past two months, however, they have largely stopped making joint red carpet appearances and now arrive separately at events. This distancing aligns with reports that Affleck has moved into a rental home in Brentwood, closer to his ex-wife Jennifer Garner and their children. Meanwhile, Lopez has been seen house hunting alone, suggesting that the couple may be preparing to lead separate lives.

Further fueling rumors of a split, the couple's $60 million Beverly Hills mansion, purchased just 13 months ago, is back on the market. This decision comes amidst ongoing speculation about their living arrangements and relationship status. According to sources, Lopez has been leaning on her family for support during this transitional period. "Jen is touring houses and shopping around for her own home," a source told ET. "She has been relying on her mom, sisters, and kids."

Affleck, on the other hand, is reportedly focused on his work and co-parenting his children with Jennifer Garner. "Ben is sad about it all but focused on his work, being a great dad, and co-parenting well with Jennifer Garner," the source added. Despite their efforts to keep up appearances, the couple's strained interactions and separate living arrangements suggest a significant rift.

The couple's recent actions have drawn significant public attention, with fans and media alike speculating about the future of "Bennifer." While Lopez has made efforts to maintain a positive public image and quell divorce rumors, Affleck's frustration with these tactics is evident. The graduation incidents reflect the broader challenges they face as they navigate their high-profile relationship under intense public scrutiny.

In conclusion, the recent events involving Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez highlight the complexities of their relationship. As they continue to manage their personal and professional lives, it remains to be seen how they will address the challenges they face and what the future holds for them both.

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