Photo Creidit: Getty Images

While Chad Michael Murray's career was soaring during his time on One Tree Hill, he was privately facing significant struggles with his mental health.

At the height of his fame as Lucas Scott, Murray began battling agoraphobia, an anxiety disorder characterized by the fear of situations or places that might cause panic or feelings of being trapped. "I was around 23 and I had an event in Miami", Murray shared in an interview with The Cut, published on May 21. "But I couldn't leave my hotel room. The world felt like it was closing in. I was having anxiety attacks".

Two years later, on his 25th birthday, Murray decided it was time for a change. "I woke up and felt unsettled. I didn't like the direction that I was going in my life", he recalled. Seeking solace, he turned to faith and therapy. "I went to church, and I got a tattoo of a cross on my left wrist. I was like, I'm going to move myself in faith".

These days, after navigating the highs and lows of fame, Murray finds his greatest joy in his role as a father. He and his wife, Sarah Roemer, have three children: an 8-year-old son, a 7-year-old daughter, and an 8-month-old baby girl, whose names have not been
publicly disclosed. "I always told myself, and I'm doing this for my future wife and kids.

Professionally, Murray approaches his work with a renewed sense of purpose and gratitude. "I remember in my younger 20s, I'd wake up and say, Oh, I've got to go to work. And that's a very different place to even start your day", the 42-year-old actor explained. "It's just a very different mind-set where I have gratitude." "I get to go to work, and I love that opportunity to just spread love, try to elevate energy, and respect the craft" he noted. "Instead of coming at it as a disgruntled, tired 21-year-old".

Murray's journey underscores the importance of mental health and the transformative power of seeking help, faith, and a supportive family. His story is a reminder that even those who seem to have it all can face internal battles and that finding balance and purpose is a personal journey worth undertaking.

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