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Gary Wayt, the fiancé of Amber Portwood, has gone missing. Wayt was recently introduced as Amber's boyfriend In Teen Mom: The Next Chapter. The Bryson City Police Department in North Carolina reports that Wayt has not been seen since June 9.

Authorities described 39-year-old Wayt as a bald man with brown eyes in a missing person alert that was posted on Facebook on June 11. According to reports, he weighs about 205 pounds and is 6'1".

The 2009 Nissan Rogue SUV, which is gray and has Indiana license plates, is the car that police are asking people in the Bryson City area to keep an eye out for.

E! News has requested comments from Portwood and the Bryson City Police Department but has not received a response. Authorities claimed that Portwood, 34, was the one who reported Wayt missing, according to an incident report that TMZ was able to get.

According to the site, the MTV celebrity reported to the authorities that Wayt was last seen at their hotel, mentioning that he is not a local and is from Indianapolis.

Wayt's missing person report comes days after news broke that he and Portwood got engaged.

On June 6, Wayt made his Teen Mom debut by joining Portwood and her co-stars on a Zoom call.

"Hello everybody," he said, then mentioned that he goes by the same name as Portwood's ex-husband, Gary Shirley, with whom she has a daughter named Leah, who is 14 years old. "My name is actually Gary, believe it or not."

The 16-year-old pregnant alum was joked with at the time by Jade Cline, Portwood's coworker, that "maybe this is Gary for you."

Portwood, who is also the mother of James, age five, and her ex, Andrew Glennon, said, "It seems like it."

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